From Drab to Fab: How Car Wrapping Can Refresh Your Car’s Look

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Taking your car to car wrapping service means wrapping it in large graphics or decals that are usually made from vinyl. As you may have guessed already, it is indeed done on the exteriors of cars. Now, contingent on the designs you choose the film can either look like a paint work or it might be some kind of specialty graphics that is straight up your alley. The kind of work done in this case depends on the kind of consumer. Companies wish to wrap their fleets by adding custom logos on the outside of their vehicles. For individual drivers this is a high-class paint job that costs much less than such work.

The Quality Is Much Better

The quality of a car wrap is much better than that of painting it and this is especially so when you get the work done by a professional car wrapping service provider. If the paint work done on your car is poor it will look good initially but with time it will fade, scratch, and crack. This applies to the better paint jobs as well – they are not as easily unaffected by damage as wraps. This is because they do not offer similar levels of protection from the forces of nature.

The Costs Are Much Lower

A car wrapping service will always cost you less than getting it painted professionally. This is ideal for car owners who want their vehicles to look good without having to spend a lot of money on them. In countries such as the USA a high-quality car wrap can be had at between 2500 and 5000 dollars while a high-quality paint job will cost anywhere between 3000 and 10,000 dollars. This is a major reason why so many companies choose to get their cars wrapped rather than painted.

You Have More Design Options

This is something that you can expect when you take your car to a professional car wrapping service provider. This is yet another area where car wrapping beats painting the same. Usually, when you buy a car, especially from a lot, you do not have a lot of options in terms of colors. If the colors available over there do not appeal to you, you have no choice but to select a color that you do not like at all. However, vehicle wrap simply inundates you with diverse options not only in terms of colors but designs as well!

Other reasons why it makes sense to get your car wrapped rather than painted

Following are some other reasons why you may choose a car wrapping service rather than painting it:
     ⦁ It helps you get a higher price than paint when you sell the car
     ⦁ It takes less time to be installed than paint
     ⦁ It also lasts longer than paint
     ⦁ It is easier to swap designs and colors in these cases
     ⦁ It is simpler to maintain wraps than paints
     ⦁ It is also easier and safer to remove than paint
     ⦁ It provides your car’s paint with greater protection
     ⦁ You get more texture options with wraps


So, now that you know that professional car wrapping service beats painting the car on any given day you may also want to add a custom wrap while you are at it. This is where you need to be smart and choose a reputable imaging studio that specializes in the kind of large-format graphics that we are talking about over here. You can be sure that these companies would outfit your car with durable vehicle wraps that you would simply fall in love with. If you have created designs for wrapping your car you can present them to these studios as well.